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I consider myself a citizen-scientist. Consequently you will find here articles, events, reports as well as my thoughts on both the scientific and political news. Feel free to comment, retweet and repost.

Recherche pour “#Other Articles”

Voice your Researcher's Viewpoint on a European Level

You are invited to the first EuroScience event in Edinburgh! What is EuroScience? EuroScience is a big european institution that aims to promote scientific research and innovation throughout Europe. EuroScience raises awareness of issues concerning science...

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Corporate research grants – with almost no strings attached

When Corportae Business funds Science and it's not a comms ploy... Excellent article on the merits of the AXA Research Fund. Click here to read it. Reference: sciencebusiness.net author: Gail Edmondson Article link: http://bulletin.sciencebusiness.ne...

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Why you should vote in the 2019 EU elections!

The 2019 European elections are looming and engagement starts now! Watch why I and other European activists believe it is crucial to get involved in the European debate and to go and vote in the upcoming elections.

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Revisiting the subsidiarity principle in health

The below article was translated into French and Published in the November 2017 France Forum Publication (nr 67) www.institutjeanlecanuet.org An EU citizen suffering from cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, no matter where in the EU, suffers all the same...

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The "Future of European Democracy"

As UK PM Boris Johnson succeeds in suspending Parliament thereby curtailing democracy on the topic of Brexit, the Liberal Democrats in France continue their fight for Britons abroad and prepare to host a one-day conference on the "Future of European Democracy"...

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COVID-19: The Consequences of Poor Communication

Effective communication requires skill and strategy at the risk of having damaging consequences. The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example of the impact of illegitimate, false, unclear, inaccurate and unreferenced messages. Sending out the wrong messages...

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À propos

I consider myself a citizen-scientist. Consequently you will find here articles, events, reports as well as my thoughts on both the scientific and political news. Feel free to comment, retweet and repost.